The Interior View New York Interior Designing

Written by Shai Wallach

Ashe + Leandro

Designers Ariel Ashe and Reinaldo Leandro, @ashe_leandro

Interior designer Ariel Ashe along with architect Reinaldo Leandro are the Co-Founders of their innovative and contemporary design firm Ashe + Leandro. With Ashe's origins in New Mexico and Leandro from Venezuela, the two creators launched the New York-based firm in 2008 and have been shaking up the industry with each of their distinctively crisp and bold projects.

Ariel Ashe and Reinaldo Leandro

Photo by Malcolm Brown

Ashley Darryl

Designer Ashley Darryl, @ashleydarryl

Ashley Darryl, a Texas native who found her niche in the city, has been breaking ground in the interior design world with her own namesake firm. With an aesthetic that tailors every space into a unique environment, Darryl's eclectic and avant-garde take on design has been taking New York City by storm.

August Black LLC

Designer Charli Hantman, @augustblacknyc

Since launching in 2008, August Black, along with owner and designer Charli Hantman, have been bringing traditional and state-of-the-art design to numerous clients across New York City. Mixing contemporary influences with a timeless feel, Hantman is known for her impressive spaces that are both functional as well as fashionable.

Charli Hantman

Photo courtesy of Charli Hantman


Designer Kaitlyn Payne, @basicspacedesigns

Designer Kaitlyn Payne has become known for her clean and practical design while paying homage to the originality of character homes. While based in Brooklyn, Payne and her firm, basicspace, have been taking a fresh approach to design across New England and New York since founding 2012.

Kaitlyn Payne

Photo by JT White

Bennett Lefeir Interiors

Designer Bennett Lefeir, @bennettleifer

Bennett Lefeir and his signature firm have been aiming to forge spaces enveloped in vanguard elegance around the world. In mixing traditional elements with a modern atmosphere, Lefeir's work is notably influenced by the luxury of Art Deco from his quintessential Long Island and New York upbringing.

Blair Harris Interior Design

Designer Blair Harris, @blairharrisnyc

The New York based designer Blair Harris along with her design firm have been making their impact in the New York design scene since Blair Harris Interior Design's inception in 2011. Harris is known for delivering a classic and organic feel in each of her projects, adapted to a wide array of client tastes.

Drake / Anderson

Designers Jamie Drake and Caleb Anderson, @drake__anderson

Since collaborating, designer Jamie Drake and his former protégé Caleb Anderson have been spreading their hand-curated prestigious design throughout the city. Their fearless use of color, texture, and all elements of ingenuity has propelled Drake / Anderson into being a well-renowned New York design firm.

Dan Fink Studio

Designer Dan Fink

With its origin in Silicon Valley, the Dan Fink Studio has expanded its reach beyond California to each corner of the United States and beyond. Dan Fink executes the traverse between classic elegance and originality with unparalleled precision. The studio and its founder have curated some of New York's most distinct spaces since establishing in 2010.

Dani Arps

Designer Danielle Arps, @daniarps

Noted as the startup designer, Danielle Arps and her eponymous firm have made a mark on both the commercial and the residential design world throughout New York City. Her startup work is noticeably industrial but also conveys an effortless and inviting atmosphere, creating an inspiring work environment for any bustling new company.

Drew McGukin Interiors

Designer Drew McGukin, @drewmcgukin

Ingenuity comes alive into bright and livable spaces through designer Drew McGukin and his namesake design firm Drew McGukin Interiors. A chameleon of design, McGukin's innovative spaces are each distinct and unique; whether they feel retro, traditional, contemporary, or everything in between.

Jenny Wolf Interiors

Designer Jenny Wolf, @jennywolfinteriors

Jenny Wolf and her firm, Jenny Wolf interiors, have become known for a fresh and serene take on interiors, both in the home and office space. By utilizing her Southern roots as an influence for aesthetic, Wolf has been delivering comfortable space and inviting interior design with her firm since establishing in 2011.

Jessica Lynn Williams

Designer Jessica Lynn Williams, @jlwdecoration

Like the neighborhood Jessica Lynn Williams is based in, the Brooklyn firm perfectly balances a hallmark of contemporary polish juxtaposed with the ease of comfort and homeliness. Her varied profile for design and imaginative use of style has thrust Williams and her eponymous firm into the big players in New York.

Joshua Smith Inc.

Designer Joshua Smith, @joshuasmithinc

For original design that bridges the connection between personal well-being and aesthetic, look no further than to Joshua Smith. His theory that homes can inspire wellness is reflected in his tranquil and livable interior design. Smith and his New York design firm have become top contenders in the industry with their innovative bonding of spirit and design.

Kapito Muller Interiors

Designers Alyssa Kapito and Vivian Muller, @kapitomullerinterior

Designers Alyssa Kapito and Vivian Muller of Kapito Muller Interiors have become widely known as the rising stars in New York City. With an aesthetic that is distinctly clean and crisp, along with touches of industrial and rustic finishes, Kapito and Muller specialize in simply beautiful spaces.

Lilly Bunn, Inc.

Designer Lilly Bunn, @lillybunninc

Lilly Bunn and her titular firm have become the junction in New York City where mod meets comfort meets ambience. Her hand-curated spaces are known for being homey yet strikingly chic and fashionable. After opening its doors in 2009, Lilly Bunn, Inc. has consistently provided clients with individualized and prolific abodes across the city.

McMillen, Inc.

Designer Elizabeth Pyne, @mcmilleninc

Elizabeth Pyne is steadily becoming the face of the future in one of America's most seasoned interior design firms. She is the third generation in her family to design at McMillen, Inc. and continues the family tradition of curating extraordinary spaces for her clients. Pyne's keen eye for detail can be regarded in her novel use of color and pattern throughout any of her projects.

Patrick Mele

Designer Patrick Mele, @prmele

The only rule in design for Patrick Mele is that there are no rules. In each of his projects, Mele constantly ties rare and varied pieces together in a unified way. His daring and bold design choices routinely succeed and receive praise from publications and clients alike.

Ryan Korban

Designer Ryan Korban, @ryankorban

Ryan Korban consistently makes simplicity standout in every aspect. His eye for everything bold and luxurious, mixed with a minimalist aesthetic, brings together each of his projects in a way that transcends the space given through exceptional design. Since opening their doors, Korban and his firm have become leaders of design in the New York scene.

Young Huh

Designer Young Huh, @younghuh

After majoring in English and obtaining her degree in law, Young Huh found her passion for interior design after interning in the field and opened her own firm in 2007. Her work often mixes patterns with textures to create bespoke spaces for each client; always conveying an atmosphere of uncommon serenity and elegance.

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The Interior View New York Interior Designing


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